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Thursday, 28 May 2009

Letter to the Times (again!)


I find it fascinating that in today’s Times, you publish David Cameron’s speech where once more he has appropriated Libertas’s policies and is pushing them as his own ideas. He does, however, confuse some of the issues. He seems to hint that “judges” - by which I assume that he means the European Court of Human Rights - are part of the EU when really it is nothing to do with the EU. We signed up, quite rightly, to the European Convention on Human Rights and therefore can expect to have rulings on it influencing our laws. After all it is the job of any independent judiciary to rule on the law. Is he proposing that we no longer accept these rulings?

What I think he is trying to say, and he will need to read our policies a little more closely, is that the European Court of Justice should also operate as an independent judiciary and not create any law, as they are not accountable to the electorate.

He also states that he will “pass a law requiring a referendum to approve any further of transfer of power to the EU” . I’m afraid this is another empty promise as, if the Lisbon Treaty is ratified by the time he comes to power, there is a very convenient article – article 48 – which effectively makes the Lisbon Treaty self amending. Anyway, as 80% of our laws will come from Brussels, we will have no power left to transfer. I would be interested to know what the Conservative policy on the Lisbon Treaty actually is: will they have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty whether it has been ratified or not?

Incidentally, as one of the MP’s caught up in the expenses scandal is also a Times Journalist, will you be practising what you preach and taking disciplinary action against Mr Gove?


Nick Coke

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