Meet your Libertas South West candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the South West region:

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Chris Charnock

Hello, my name is Chris Charnock and I’m the Libertas candidate for the South West Region in the European elections on June 4th this year. I thought I should tell you a bit about myself to help you make an informed decision when you vote.

I’m fighting in this election because I’ve become increasingly concerned in the last ten years about the hand-over of sovereignty to the European Union; to a body that is unelected, and run by civil servants who cannot be held to account by voters in the United Kingdom. I believe in Europe. There are many good ideas that have sprung from the increased collaboration between the countries in Europe. However, it is time that we – the people – should take back control over this institution.

I am married, with a daughter at University, and I have lived in a rural part of Gloucestershire for over thirty years. I have seen the changes to the rural economy that have been brought about in no small part by the way our farming industry has been affected by the Common Agricultural Policy.

I am a businessman who has worked in various industries over the years, most recently in the fields of Information Technology and Travel. This experience of working in and running small businesses (the powerhouse of the British economy) has let me find out first hand how laws thought up in Brussels and simply rubber-stamped by our MP’s in London can have a drastic effect on an enterprise in England.

So what are Libertas’ and my priorities?

Because I believe that democracy is a common thread running through all the nations in the EU, Libertas will make the EU open and accountable as never before, so you can see how decisions are made and who makes them, so we can make Europe work for us.

Because the EU spend over £100 billion of our money each year, Libertas will ensure that EVERY penny spent will be used efficiently, and also will be accounted for accurately. We need to do this, especially in times of economic crisis like the present, to safeguard the financial security of our children.

Because Europe has been run by an unelected elite, most of whose names we don’t know, and who we cannot remove even if they perform badly, I want to be part of a grass-roots movement that gives Europe back to its people.

That is why I ask you to vote for me and the new, pan-European party, Libertas, on June 4th.

Thank you.

Chris Charnock

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