Meet your Libertas South West candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the South West region:

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Nick Coke

Nick first came to politics from a position of dissatisfaction with the current political establishment and also as a Pro-European with no party that accurately reflected his views. He could not ally himself with the unrealistic “See no evil” approach of the Liberal Democrats, felt betrayed by Brown’s failure to have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty and could not understand what the conservative’s position was. He did not fundamentally believe in UKIP’s position that we are “better off out” and felt that nor did most of his generation. As he had been working in the construction industry for 5 years, he had seen the benefits of the EU at first hand with a construction boom that utilised available skilled labour from all over Europe.

He is standing as he believes that the time has come for the average citizen to stop complaining, to stop being apathetic and to make the unconnected political elite wake up and listen to the people they are meant to be representing. He is a strong believer in democracy and feels that a turnout of a third of the population for an election that affects 80% of our laws is a damning indictment of the current system. He believes that Libertas are the one party that can breathe fresh life into a moribund stale process and believes the time for change is now.


  1. What about education, qualifications, career and marital status?

  2. I ask- which political party is interested in the welfare of the British Citizen in Europe? 363,000 people who worked all their lives in Britain, saerved in the armed forces, and struggled through post war austerity, in their later years have retired to the wider Europe. They are 3% of the total number of OAPs. To that number you can add the huge numbers of younger Britons earning their money beyind the UK in Europe. The EU has opened borders, but not the minds of the Political Parties in Britain. The Britons have become political outcasts, The OAPs in particular are hard done by in a number of ways, Some are in considerable hardship. The full scale of the issues is presented in the URL

  3. Nick,

    All the best, great to see you involved with a sensible, untainted political organisation that recognises the real problems we face in Europe - rather than the xenophobic nonsense spouted by UKIP. I'm sure your excellent personal qualities will serve your future constituents well, if you are given the chance.

    Good luck from an old friend from your BATUS days.
