Meet your Libertas South West candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the South West region:

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Chloe Gwynne

I am fighting in this election mainly because of my utter dismay at the on-going, soon-to-be irreversible and grossly deceitful hand-over of our sovereignty to a body that is absolutely unaccountable to the people it is supposed to serve, the very opposite of transparent in every way, and so undemocratic that, if it were to apply to be a member of itself, it would fail to meet every single condition that it requires of those who apply to join it.

What is happening, as just outlined above, must be STOPPED before it is too late, to the terrible cost to ourselves and all future generations. And I am hoping that Libertas will provide the best possible opportunity and means of doing this and of providing the solutions that are so desperately needed.

I myself am a trained teacher, naturopath and herbalist, born and bred in Gloucestershire.

As to politics, for me my most important activity was when I played an active role in the -- thrillingly successful -- opposition to the Lisbon Treaty referendum in Ireland last year, circulating documents and doing my best to persuade countless people in the streets.

And Libertas’ and my priorities?

-- First and foremost, “to put the fire out.” That is to say, to put an urgent and immediate STOP to the encroachment on the rights and liberties of all ordinary people that is taking place at “landslide” speed.

-- To work flat-out to make all governments we are subject to PROPERLY ACCOUNTABLE, which they now haven’t been for too long, and as of now are becoming ever-increasingly less so.

-- Perhaps I can sum it up best by simply saying: -- to get done what all ordinary, normal people WANT to have done, fully recognising the frightening fact that at present such people at present have no Political Party which genuinely represents them and their common-sense interests.

Yes, it is truly urgent. And I hope you will be voting for me and Libertas on June 4th.

Chloe Gwynne


  1. But what is your position on 'real' issues like the economy, global warming, defence & immigration?
    While I want a reformed EU, I can't vote for a party that doesn't have a position on anything else.

  2. The votes may not be *counted* until June 7th but the UK *voting* takes place on June 4th. Don't miss the boat!

  3. I see you just don't care about responding to potential voters so with some regret I am off to vote for the Conservative slate.

  4. You do look lovely in your profile pic Chloe, but I'm afraid I'm a huge fan of the EU. Good luck, Luke Baxter
